Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology
Steering Committee, Interdisciplinary Health PhD Program
Northern Arizona University
2014. Dying Unneeded: The Cultural Context of the Russian Mortality Crisis. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
In the early 1990s, Russia experienced one of the most extreme increases in mortality in modern history. Drawing on fieldwork in the capital city during 2006 and 2007, this account brings ethnography to bear on a topic that has until recently been the province of epidemiology and demography. Middle-aged Muscovites talk about being unneeded (ne nuzhny), or having little to give others. Considering this concept of "being unneeded" reveals how political economic transformation undermined the logic of social relations. Western literature on the mortality crisis focuses on a lack of social capital, often assuming that what individuals receive is most important, but being needed is more about what individuals give. Social connections--and their influence on health--are culturally specific.
This book is a recipient of the annual Norman L. and Roselea J. Goldberg Prize for the best project in the area of medicine.